Wednesday, July 13, 2011

11 reasons to buy silver

1. Physical investors who have been stacking physical silver will be stunned by the sudden appreciation. It will be akin to someone winning the lottery. They will shocked at the enormity of their new found wealth which occurs at the same time the economy becomes an absolute horror show. A shift in the perception of wealth will confirm that they are holding something truly precious. The years of being told they are crazy for buying silver will finally give way to, “you were right.”After the shock wears off, these newly minted kings will seek to make the most off of this once in a life time opportunity. These men were astute enough to buy silver when everyone said they were nuts, they are certainly now not going to give up what they have for some dirty dollars that they did not want years ago. They will wait for something much, much better. They will not see immediately many opportunities to invest their new wealth in, because the final throes of the debt based economy will be horrific. No one will invest when it is not certain what will happen to humanity. They will have no choice but to wait until the act plays out and the music stops.

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  1. Pete... well.. for what it's worth... she/he was right last time. Obviously the fond feelings she/he has for Blythe have not subsided and I am glad about that. Bring on the LOVE SHORTS!

  2. its funny how people see the silver gold etc ... turd was sure it was not good to invest in or even hope either would go up for a while ... others say to the moon this summer ... truth is too many get cocky when it does well then slink into the morass and stop barking when it hits the shitter ... as william goldman said about Hollywood: NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ... should metals go nuts? sure ... will the PTB let the pygmies cash in on it? I say 75/25 not, but whats OUR option? ZILCH.

  3. @Pete thanks for the heads up. Interesting that WB has resurfaced...still don't know what to make of them but the comment regarding derivatives has struck a chord in my genetic memory...the 'derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction' chord. More data points lining up that this does not end well...

  4. Word just in, my bullion dealer has run out of 1kg & 5kg silver bars.. only has 15kg bars left and has started to import the 1kg PAMP from switzerland to keep up with demand.. currently 6 week backorder.

    something fishy going on =)

  5. For me, there's only one reason to buy silver:

    I don't trust fiat, I never did and I never will.

    Miners are doing well. I haven't sold any of my positions and don't intend to anytime soon. If they go down again, excellent.

    Silver, it's time to get physical! Seriously!

  6. How long until Gold's in backwardation?

  7. Featured in today's Hyperreport on youtube! Go SGS!

  8. How is it possible that the dollar is up and so are the markets. Typically when the dollar goes up (like it had today), the markets get smoked! Any ideas? Is this because the Bernanke said he'd consider more ways to stimulate?

  9. What the f*ck!?!?! How can they still drive it down like this? Doesn't the CFTC give a shit about investors?

  10. @IslandStyle...

    No...unless you believe Bix Weir.

  11. ...but dickhead Ben said yesterday that g/s ain't money....

    seriously though, question for you SGS; if the dollar is declining, how then is it possible to quantify the $$ value of g/s? how will it be valued when the dollar is toast? what if the "new" valuation of gs places the worth at less? I hope my question makes sense. I am waaay on board the s/g train however I have had this question in mind for a while.

  12. goboy: No idea. All I know is that shiny metal that says .9999 fine will be worth more than anything when TSHTF.

  13. thanks sgs, btw, good vid on utube this am....
