Monday, May 30, 2011

CIA Warns Of A Greek Military Coup, Rebellion, If Austerity Intensifies

From TD at Zerohedge: "The newspaper said the CIA report talks of a possible military coup if the situation becomes more serious and uncontrolled."

Click here for entire article ...


  1. ...and what can the military do - certainly not establish a gold/silver backed currency.

  2. apparently a 4 block square of Athens somehow represents the entire country?! CIA (who are the henchmen for the banks-IMF) is setting up a puppet government that will accept the austerity measures and sink Greece into a USA style perpetual interest payment system they will never escape from.

  3. here is what someone replied on zero hedge;

    Yep, that's the plan. You might even get to see CIA snipers on yootoob taking out a few protestors just to "liven things up" (à la Damascus, Cairo, Bahrain, etc). They wouldn't want it to fizzle out, would they?

    The bankstas aided and abetted the PIIGS to go on a socialist spending spree and take on massive debt (not that any of them needed any encouragement, only squid fraud to hide it!). So they will keep the screws on by using the mob to oppose any spending cuts and the opposition to propose tax cuts until the suckers fold and restructure into long-term bondage and a handover of some gold and FIRE assets. Then comes martial law (so that the outgoing .gov gets the blame for selling the slaves down the road).

    The Company likes it when a plan comes together.

  4. Looks like the Reich's plan is right on target. With Germany controlling most of the gold they will be the new masters without firing a shot this time.

  5. It will happen here in the USA....our major cities will be in ashes...Change...yes we seems as you go about your everyday activities that the majority of people do not seem to understand the position this country is in all levels..fed state as usual till the shtf then it is way overwhelming...just as a brush fire becomes a Forrest fire so will go our cities...all brought to you by the banksters and politicians..NO WAY OUT OF THIS PROBLEM...DUCK AND COVER..GOOD LUCK

  6. the plan as you have laid out was used in Argentina and there are you tube s of same...the whole ugly plan...but this time banging pots will not stop these ruthless bastards...

  7. It sure as hell won't get any better when the people catch wind of this...
