Thursday, April 7, 2011

Busy Day for me

I will be popping in and out today, looks like ECB raised rates .25, good luck portugal, greece and spain next. PM's confused here as $US is moving slightly higher. Check in later. Watch the video below.


  1. Would love to see a pull-back to BTFD

  2. SGS -

    Good stuff all around. Love your blog info and appreciate the entertainment value. I get chuckle out of it daily!

    I really won't post too much as I like a low profile.

    Here's a question... My employer limits my trading activity. I must hold any purchase for a minimum of 30 days. Am thinking about plunking down about 20K into something and will be stuck for those 30 days (I can back out if the holding drops 10%).

    What do you think, physical or AGQ to max out?

    Thanks in advance and thanks for the blog!

  3. Looks like it's going to be a good day for silver. Today is April 7th or 4-7 or 47 as in the atomic number of silver on the periodic table ;-)

    All kidding aside, today will be fun! As SGS pointed out, the ECB raised rates putting the dollar in the lead for worst fiat currency.

  4. So what handle $40? are we looking at before another CME margin icrease?

  5. Looks like I spoke to fucking soon!

  6. I'm just kind of amazed... an earthquake, revelation that reactor 2 had a meltdown, portugal now asking for $100B and gold does... nothing... wow. I think this is first time I've gotten upset about this.

  7. Yes well, and from this panic we learn once more..

    It is the focus to let the market recover and

    secondly not to waste a good panic in the precious metals!!!

  8. SGS has good israel calls

  9. @Everyone...'s too f'ing quiet!

  10. I just saw the NukAlert keychain going off in Alabama video. I wasn't expecting us to go out like Fallout! Soon Super Mutants will populate the former United States.

  11. @Heward
    I can't wait to find out what X-Men powers I get.
