Wednesday, March 9, 2011

She's like a fart in the shower....

Here's what a mouth full of steamy shower fart tastes like....



  1. Im fracking out of paper by now ... cant buy any more dips gods damn it

  2. I can. But I don't think this is the big dip I'm looking for. When it does I'll go all in.

  3. pm fix takedown looking for lower pm fix than am and they got it in gold by 50cents. BTFD

  4. 1000$ Silver dammit! Fuck the feds!

  5. I can only wonder what Blights Mom has to say about such things..

  6. come on blythe, you can do it. 29.99 !!! we're all supporting you! I'm gonna sell the house (no fucking mortgage) and go all in if she can take it down 20%. you just gotta love'er

  7. I don't know about waiting for a big dip, even if it comes, there might be no silver at that prices. Dont get in more than you can hold it for the longer term. I see it like retirement fund :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Well this is our last dip. But how far will it go down? I don't know but it could be several points here looking at the chart data. I don't like the way the dollar is going up when in reality it's not.

    So take advantage of artificially priced bullion if you can find any. I'm buying if we hit $32.00 spot. One dealer offers a STINK BID which is a great idea:

    SGS Stink Bid

    Is PART 5 of the bear videos coming soon?

  10. check this out


  12. newsunit: are you a real person or an algo putting random crap together? IF you are a person: I hope they pay you well

  13. Who's "J"? There's only two posts you have that I find in the history of this blog and they involve your fetish for me. I'd say you need a whippin'. You might get one. :-)

  14. Looks like someone dropped the silvery soap, as Ms. Masters showers us with more shorts...

  15. You guys are all expecting a dip but you are forgetting to consider the latest fundamental factor; SHEEN is now in our 'korner'. Blythe is fucked, very shortly we will be WINNING!

  16. Don't get me started on Charlie Sheen, I only have two more posts left today!

    Ales Jones has him on his show, the guy goes crazy. Both of them acted irrational actually. Then Sheen is all over the news and they call him some kind of "Info Warrior" who is fighting for the Republic?

    I'm getting more ammo. And I'm not concerned about Homeland Security. It's these guys I'm more concerned about for my safety. Alex Jones is more likely to shoot someone than these lazy government maggots.

    Two maniacs: Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen. Both of them should get together with Howard Stern and have a party at Sheen's place there. I think they are all on cocaine.

    You guys in Canada don't have these crazies on the radio do you?

    GOLD and SILVER comment: CHOP CHOP CHOP! "Day of Rage" still ahead! The only place I'm trading is:

    Au, Ag, and Pd.

    That's it! One more post. I'm saving it! :-)

  17. C'mon, lets get another substantial dip going! Embrace the dip, love the dip, respect the dip, but do not fear it! For like Blythe's hot farts in the wind, they will vanish away to the upside, again and again and again...

  18. SGS, does the following article has any merit ? per your "deep throat" ?

    Sierra_hpbt also post the link...

  19. I've been writing about Blythe derivatives exposure, specifically in SLV at $35, now for weeks ad nauseum. I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how many calls are due at $35. All these weeks I've been watching the options activity.

    honestly, who cares. There is not much metal left. Even MY personal silver dealer is telling me 2-3 weeks now. I almost shit. When I have to wait for silver, good luck in 4 months to average joe.

    Keep eyes on supply shifts moving forward and lease rates, EVERYTHING else is noise.

    and anyone cutting up Charlie Sheen is nuts. Sure he likes the white stuff, but what other actor do you know that speaks the truth, even if it costs him $2 MILLION and episode???? Not one. And I hear he is now speaking against Blythe. This guy is a fucking champion. I hope he reads this and tries to contact me...his wealth and the wealth of his insiders alone could bust the Comex. Sheen is an ally-there are many many more actors like him, they just hide behind the wall and kiss ass. remember what I said about speaking out against a certain minority group that has majority? Dont get me started.

  20. Agreed! Sheen is well read on conspiracy fact and the New World Order. I sure as hell wouldn't believe the way he is portrayed in the corporately controlled media that has an agenda to shut up anyone who speaks out about certain topics.

  21. I would like to see a pic of ole crazy Charlie with a silver .9999 fine 1000 ouncer with one of his 'WINNING" t-shirts on while typing in a buy order for 1000 long COMEX silver contracts to stand for delivery! Keep up the great work SGS!!!


  22. I don't follow all the noise on the tv, but I checked out the vid someone linked to Sheen last night. He looks like hell and talks a lot of crazy shit, no question. Time to ease off the powders for sure haha. Each to their own I guess, but it just never ends good.

    Crazy, drug addled, acting? or whatever. I still like that he's speaking up against shit and isn't afraid to put himself on the line. I can respect that. Time for more high-profile people to stand up and actually make themselves useful.

    Kick some ass, Charlie


  23. Any one second me on limiting newsunit's daily posts to 3 max per day?

  24. I'll tell you what IAmPhoenix. I'll limit myself completely to posting and you won't have to worry about it.

    I really don't give a shit.


  25. Shoot, you give a guy 2 million dollars a week to play himself? I think it's eventually gonna blow up ;-)

  26. 30Y bond auction will be on Thu so expect another held back day in the silver market and then some surge afterward maybe.

  27. SGS... I totally agree. I love Charlie Sheen.
    everyone is on the guys case but no one knows the facts. Charlie knows whats going on. I bet he see's the writing on the wall with silver and never cares if he acts again.

  28. Glad I work 2 blocks from Sprott's office in Toronto, they still have silver at least.

  29. I'm with The Sheen on this. Yeah he's outta control, but it's refreshing to hear someone from Hollywierd finally call all the douchebags out and tell it like it is...even if it's kinda cryptic and in a mix of English language I've never heard before, lol
    They should have fired the other 1 and a half losers and just made it into a reality show of The Sheen bangin' hookers and doing Warlockian amounts of white power at his coven.
    I'd watch that for sure!

  30. Find another board to talk about Charlie - most of us don't care and would rather not scroll through posts about some arrogant rich prick.
