Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Site Suggestions

By now many know that there will be a new site going up (, and this blog will just be forwarded to it. Thus far we have:

Forums: Where we can ask anything with interactive interface from beginners to advanced trading, looking for juniors, bullion dealers etc. notable users will have there own launching pad forum, such as SRSrocco for their articles.

Live Chat: Live chatting in rooms, but the feature has already enabled users to chat via private messages live.

Blog: I will continue to do my write ups and post relevant materials.

In the Coming soon section (which will not be available on launch): We have a VIP section, where information that will be available to paying users (Very cheap everyone should be able to spare some change to keep the site going) will be available first, then later will be disseminated to the blog giving the user an edge from interviews with people high up the bullion food chain, junior picks, etc.

I have been spending an endless hours on this. I have also come across a huge bullion dealer that is giving me an exclusive discount for MY USERS ONLY with special key. Its not a huge discount, but hey, every penny counts if Obama doesn't take it first!

If you have any other suggestions, please let us know tonight, as we are setting up for testing this weekend.

P.S. Silver long trade still intact till it breeches trend line so from here till $42, we should see the shake outs. Long and strong. Nothing has changed with the Greece situation or the US debacle. The decade of EPIC continues...


  1. Too commercialized for my tastes, but I wish you luck.

  2. Looking forward, thanks for the update.

  3. Hey guys, any thoughts on this article?

    It's on like Donkey Kong?!

  4. @D283: How do you know until you see it? You don't know the content, you don't know the know nothing of this site. Why don't you wait & see, so to speak. SGS has stated that a very large portion will be free, and that the VIP section is something you can opt into. Maybe look at it this way...say you pay for the VIP and you get a trade from XXXXXX that not only pays for your subscription for the year, but then some. Maybe you only stack PHYZZ (ZZZZZZZZZZ, er, did I just wake up?), but there are some smart people that post here from stock to futures...I don't want to keep pounding a point, all I ask is that you at least give some time to the free site. We all want, in the end, the same thing. ++++on our PHYZZ (but I also want it on: corn, hogs, heating oil, live cattle...but that is for another time!)

  5. SGS.... I hope you won't become Don Harrold II. Regarding suggestio: Block IP from JPM, Goldman, M.S, Interactive, OptionXpress and Charles schwab.

  6. @D283: just look at the article link from @silverw, would you have found that intersting bit of info? Maybe or maybe not. I hope we are all here trying to help one another, but then again, I was raised to believe in the best of people until they prove otherwise. Night folks.

  7. @Malcolm: your boys are coming into town this weekend...damn, Ben has got to play much better. In the end, it is just some cheap entertainment to me.

  8. I'm sure there are some of us who don't use electric fiat. Will there be a way to send you cash or an oz of phyz via snail mail to get access to the premium content?

  9. A little sugg: consider member ability to "like" a post? (but maybe that is too "commercial")

    @silverw I "like" your link, thank you for sharing it.

  10. @Ledbedder,

    Shit we sucked hard last weekend! Should be a good game anyway. BTW, whats synonymous with the philly cheese steak in Pitt? Pastrami? On Sundays I cook the others team's iconic food!

  11. I would love a daily chart section like Wolf gives but with more selections. Call me lazy but just scrolling down the charts all at once I find extremely helpful. Here is Wolf chart blog for reference. Perhaps you can even team up to share the work for the community?

  12. Humm maybe he was on to something.

    We are going to be gifted with a Health Care plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we do not, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he does not understand it, passed by a Congress that did not read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President who smokes, with funding administered by a Treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security & Medicare, all to be overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that is broke!! What the hell could possibly go wrong?" ~ Donald Trump

  13. I think it would be cool to have a buy, hold, sell meter for physical purchases. I know it won't hit sell for a while, but it would be nice if I knew whether we should buy one day or wait until another. I understand buy the dips, but a little more guidance would be cool. I look forward to the site and will join VIP.

  14. SGS, I like you. That being said, I don't know what I'd be willing to pay for. I see you as a competitor of Turd. I wouldn't pay squat for Turd's opinions as I gave up daytrading years ago. On the macro level, Janszen is the best I've come across. I once paid for 6 mos. of his service, but didn't get much for the $. That and I disagree with him on Ag.

    I listen to Puplava, KWN, and Max weekly. Puplava straddles the fence between the mainstream MSM and the fringe, King caters to the fringe wantabees, and Keiser channels Jon Stewart. Where do you fit in the spectrum?

    In my limited experience, your picks are mediocre. I picked up an equal # of TKRFF and SNDXF on your Tinka call many months ago. I'm up 25% on SNDXF and am down 1% on Tinka. I haven't sold Tinka because I believe it's at least a double, but you're no soothsayer.

    So that leaves me with your daily commentary and the "bears" youtube channel. "Bears" absolutely crack me up and your daily commentary is not without worth, so balancing it all out, I would not be adverse to sending you $5 - $10 month for some exclusivity. Is there a plan for that?

  15. SGS

    Looking forward to seeing your new site ! I don't do nothing but stack, but I still get a lot of Insite on this Site.. It's different from Zerohedge and Harvey Organ's And there all Great ! I know you can't put on a site without spending some money.. And I'm sure you ain't making a killing off of it either, so I believe you have another motive.. I accuse you of caring for people ! Watching the Bears go Viral and such.. If the VIP isn't to expensive I'm going to join.. I may never be rich, but I like hanging out with smart people.. I went to College for a few years, and it was a Waste of my Money ! I've gotten a better Edcucation hanging around some of the people right here on your Site ! Thanks Everyone..

  16. Schiff in front of congress, they had to put him next to an ultra-lib stimulus idiot!

  17. I vote for a glossary where you automatically add and define every new word you make up, or that is made up here. It would be good relief to go into the glossary and see fucktron, Weather Douche, Crimes against Silvanity, etc. So yeah, "The SGS Glossary of terms" is a definite consideration.

  18. Hey SGS

    I'm really looking forward to using your forums.

  19. I'm jonesin' for another bears video. I used to read turd daily but absolutely hate the new site. I hope you don't lose that uniqueness the way turd did. The content is much more important than fancy graphics and loads of options. Today I was actually wishing that I could go back to being a sheep. I haven't enjoyed football since the big awakening. Ignorance is truely bliss. The bears videos kinda keep me going and entertained all at the same time. Kinda like football and stockcar racing used to.

  20. @Tom H - great call on the SGS dictionary! How about a real time running counter on how many times Weather Unit tries to log it?

  21. OFT, no sooner do you mention it............

  22.'s almost like a sixth sense or something.....damn I miss football!

  23. Just think in less than a week you will forget The News UNIT once and for all. But you will all remember my real name and address. Just a fading memory....

  24. sgs

    I know you are into blasting zionist scum etc,why not have a forum link for INFO VIDS AND TALK about our corrupt gov etc ... there are a lot of us here who research hard and would like to compare notes etc


  25. China buys gold to 'weaken' US dollar: Wikileaks

    "China is shifting some of its massive foreign holdings into gold and away from the US dollar, undermining the dollar's role as the world's reserve currency, accoding to a recently released WikiLeaks cable. "


  26. Tom H Lmao !

    I haven't enjoyed football since the big awakening. Ignorance is truely bliss.

    I know and feel what your saying.. But that's how these Jackasses, kept us stupid ! Think of it as Detox ! lol

    It's like were playing a game, and we think we know the rules, so we keep playing by the rules. But the rules don't work for us, because they keep changing them, without tell us.. But if we play by there rules, we go to jail.. With out a, Get out of Jail Free card.. There the only ones that get those..

  27. Just think, 6 months ago, when we told Weather Unit to fuck off, he actually did, and SGS wouldnt have to make a new site to rid this one of moronic posts and vaginal rhetoric.

  28. Now finally a phone that is not worthless crap after 2-3 years!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. you want a gold star Weather Unit? MAZEL TOV Liebchen. (sloppy wet kiss)

    @SGS - perhaps a discount on ammo purchases? =>

  31. Weather Unit, I am not a punk kid. 42 years old, married, two kids, work hard, respected in my community, lots of family and friends, and I still think you are a douche. So in case I no longer get to tell you on the new site, and since I will never visit your silly fucking chick site, here is a big, fat, final, fuck off to you! Dick!

  32. SGS
    Daily lurker.
    Thanks for all of the hard work.
    You are a unique and colorful fellow.
    Looking forward to the new site.

  33. The Weather UNIT

    I try not to be mean to anyone, it's just not in my Nature.. Sometimes a Personality just doesn't Fit.. I don't know if you see that or not, but you just don't Fit here.. I Don't fit here either, but I'm here to Learn, not teach.. You could place something Great, and your response would be "Crickets" ! Most people just Ignore you, and don't even respond anymore.. They see your Big blue Square, and move on.. I've checked out your site a couple of times, But I have a daughter that is an Atmospheric Scientist, and Graduated #1 out of a class of 5 ! And that is a Big You say that you are a Christian, and SGS has Asked you to Quit posting on "HIS" Site ! Now he has had to Spend Money to get rid of you... Have you "Won" him over ? Or put a bad taste in his mouth about your Lord and Savior! You win people over, by Living it, Not Pushing and Pushing.. You've Preached your Message, now wipe the dust from your feet and Move ON ! Yes I Know the Bible, and your so Dead Wrong, it is just NUTS ! I don't hate anyone, but you have to figure out your own Niche! Stand for your Principles ! But know when to move on, or you just become a Troll... I've been in Jail Three times for what I believe.. I won't debate this post.. and if you reply, "Crickets" At this point your just doing Damage !

  34. By the way Weather Unit, if SGS knew me personally, he probably would ban me. Highrise is semi-psychotic and Ledbetter likes the Steelers for God's sake! Coconut Rum +? Well the name speaks for itself. But in faceless fucking blog world, you were the only one stupid and annoying enough to get yourself banned. Congratulations!

  35. TO SGS Suggestion: If you could have a list of different sites on where to purchase gold and silver and allowed people to comment on site after they buy like good bad, rip off or whatever..

    Also maybe a common term page for newbies can read common terms used, I guess they could look it up, but if you have your own terms and meanings

    Maybe a garage sell or bulletin board page where people could post things they wanted to sell to other silver guys that way if someone either had a piece they were looking for or wanted to sell a specific piece, they could post and sell or by privately but could list it and put email for personal contact.

  36. Thumbs up for that Schiff video

  37. I've got Four Thumbs up on Schiff's Video! But I'm disformed !

  38. BrotherJohn Silver Update - The Silver Bottleneck

    @TomH - Damn right I am.

  39. Im sure you will get along nicely without me.

    I wish you luck.

    It's just that I can't stand stand sites that you have to sign-up for and have passwords etc. They lose their spontaneity.

    Look at the Turd's site. It's full of sycophantic losers trying to get "hat-tips".

    Still, I wish you well.

  40. @Tom H: next time I go down to Heinz field, I'll take a pic. of all those trophies and send them to yens :) I really hate the fact that the Steelers are the Pats bitch.

  41. @HR408: in case you didn't see this from the last thread.

    Ledbedder said...
    @HR408: that was a funny coaster ride, but to step up to the big leagues, you need to ride this beast...which I did 3 times:
    September 14, 2011 8:00 PM

  42. @malcolm: as far as food, use anything on this menu. They are in the stadium, and it smells very good.

    Wash it down with one of these, and it will be like you're sitting in the stadium:

  43. must have suggestion: we need some wiki about mining companies and people running them.

    This would be a basis for picking good and bad horses.

    If public goes crazy about mining stocks, just imagine how much fraud we will see - such a wiki could potentially help people avoid traps.

  44. Ok, I gotta we get the WU attempted log in counter or not? I think that alone will keep me logging in daily just to check for daily entertainment.

  45. Kweku Adoboli is on facebook. This poor guy is about to be the fall guy for a 2 billion dollar UBS trading loss. I hope he tells us a story about fraudulent accounting and trades at the highest levels at UBS. He is just another fall guy for UBS market manipulation gone bad. YOU NEVER HEAR about it when their market manipulation makes profit

  46. One thing I would suggest is a detailed explanation (for beginners) of how the COMEX works - for example what is "Open Interest" and what does "Volume" mean within the context of price moves etc. and who/what are the "Dealers"/"Customers"/"Large speculators"/"Commercial" etc.

  47. I'll agree with what some other have already stated - please don't look to copy what Turd has done with his site. As a long time web design/internet loser, his new site sucks. The layout is poor, the design blows, the colors are awful to the point where I don't visit much anymore. While the blogger platform is 'meh' at best, at least it's simple and to the point which is what more of us are looking for. Please keep the new site simple and avoid all the extraneous crap.

  48. A couple weeks ago I was searching for newbie learning tools and came across a site where this guy offered a free, two week program teaching how to read charts.

    It'd be nice to see something like this on the site, as well as links, lists & reviews of reading materials that help the beginning trader.

    The above mentioned site, for anyone interested, is:
