Thursday, August 18, 2011

DAX down 4%, Russia Halted entirely, Dow futures down 200+, here comes the boom

Now that the irrational CNBC pumping 'bottom' theories can be put to rest, and reality is about to quickly punch those moronic new longs straight in the teeth, I guess the gold 'bubble' continues. After all, let it be known, they will be calling it a bubble for the next 5 years all the way up to $20,000 at which that point it may be a bubble, pending Chairsatan Shalom Bernanke starts to increase rates and shreds 50 Trillion dollars.

Buy the dips on any of your favorite juniors, I will be buying KAM.V on any weakness.


  1. SGS, Thanks for all the info lately. I've been btfd on phyzz like a fucktard for years and am feeling great. Any thoughts on when a good time to swap silver for gold may be? Is 15 to 1 really possible or should I start at 20 to 1? Thanks bro.

  2. all depends which goes broke first: GLD, SLV, COMEX or LMBA.

  3. pumpers should be prosecuted with for lying purposely on tv. "Contributing to a riot or panic with false information" Its a crime to yell fire in a crowded theater unless there actually is one. It's also a crime to report that falsely report there is no fire when you know there actually is a fire. They are yelling that equities are underpriced, you are going to miss the rally. Then there are dumbass anchors who believe the pumpers they interview with a smile no matter what they say, EVER. I truly hate them.

  4. Markets are just trying to reach equilibrium - finally, after decades of molestation and abuse.

  5. no use playing options on slw or slv is there, I bought a few puts on travelers yesterday, its the only financial that I have friends who work there, lots of nepotism, and its rated so high by the community idiots who never saw 07/08 coming, that I know its pure garbage

  6. And there shall be gnashing of teeth, wailing and howling never heard before nor shall it be heard again.

    --JPMourge conference room.

  7. The Morgue can start order wrecking balls and atleast 6 Planks !

  8. The JPM/SLV is slowly ripping apart. I wonder when SLV will crash along with JPM. I added PSLV to define physical price as this is should follow real physical spot.;NYSE:PSLV&cmptdms=0;0&q=NYSE:JPM&ntsp=0

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
