Friday, April 1, 2011

Fools day is over, those who sold were fooled like I said would happen

Check out the OI (open Interest) on the April 16 SLV contract. WOW. compare it to the puts side. Wow.

I will be back Saturday for the metals update. I was again on the phone with TINKA management today. I will post an updated Tinka post on Monday. You better be fully loaded.

Good day today, hope Blythe didnt scare anyone. I was sitting back all day watching this garbage...I feel big things coming next week in regards to the PM's.

Coil coil toil and trouble
Fire burn, no silver bubble...


  1. re: Peru post-election nationalized mines fears: After reading this article ~ ~ I will double down on TINKA Monday...
    “Peruvians feel confident that in a second round Humala will be defeated regardless of who is his contender. Seventy percent of the population rejects a Chávez-influenced regime”

  2. Can't wait for your Saturday report. Let us know what you think about the COT report.

    See ya, iBitch, you fucktard....

  3. hey, the price of silver in USD is higher than the G/S ratio...

  4. Here's a guy who sold his silver. This is the type of person that watches CNBC and doesn't like Peter Schiff. What a real gem! :-)


    This little dweeb mouthed off to me on a chat room looking for a fight. HA HA HA! Yeeeeah!

  5. come on guys.. give iflash a break.. he has a small dick.. he can't help it.

  6. If that ohio1998 dude is any representation of the common man - we're doomed.

  7. I delete all idiotic comments, why is he even wasting his time...

    Andrew I will give full update monday on Tinka.

  8. I think ohio1998 was recording from his room in his mother's basement. What a fucking tard!

  9. Here is a great article by James Turk with Eric King on silver/gold/dollar

  10. You guys need to watch to Peter Schiff's video blog.

  11. Peter Schiff's video blogs are great. I found Marc Faber's daily updates too. I have some recent videos:
    The News UNIT

    You know I almost bought TKRFF today. I liked the volume increase. Don't be surprised if you see a 50,000 share block go by on the T&S one of these times.

  12. SGS, thanks for all you do, you rock the freakin' Casbah! Was wondering if you would be willing get out some info for me. I think the average reader of your blog would greatly benefit from a firm explanation of exactly what goes into shorting global physical comod. markets via trading ETFs on margin (i.e. who, how, and where, as well as overall motivation and the generalized directed monetary flow as well as the precedent for this kind of behavior in markets that don't carry the same fundamentals, like oil) . Sry, could be totally wrong on this one, but it seems to me that alot of people know and fully understand that something is amiss but don't really get what is going. Case in point, I dare you to ask a random poster what IO is and what it means as far as the CRIMEX is concerned. Just a thought.

  13. SGS, yes, Blythe scared me out of 27% of my Silver options before the price decline of silver. I wanted to buy back next week :-((
    OK - why did you know (popcorning) Silver is coming back after the decline so quickly ???
