Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tinka fill, eat my shit fuck wad

Some jerk off emails me says I'm full of shit on Tinka today. Okay dickshitlips, here is screen shot.


  1. your screen shot does not show the date.

  2. SGS - What do you think of Orko silver as a silver play? It is McCoach's #1 pick and is also recommended by NIA. Supposedly it is to be bought out this summer by Pan American.

  3. Oooohhhh, fast burn. Dickshitlips just got served.

  4. Seems like you have some anger.

    I like it... allows you to speak your mind and not having to answer to anyone. Keep up the good work and non-bullshit mentality.

  5. dude, i don't even want to know what a "dickshitlip" is..... ewwwwwww

  6. LOL SGS, don't give the douche-nozzle's the satisfaction. Who the hell sends an email to someone and does that anyway? I'm about to make a huge purchase of Copper Fox Metals to increase my position - was thinking about tomorrow most likely. Anyone want to start some shit with me too?

  7. git over that anger bridge man...

  8. SGS, you NEED to look at this article. This is absolutely fucking absurd. We have enough to worry about with a nuclear fallout cloud being carried over North America, and ohhhh, what just happens to happen at the same time? The nuclear power plant in Pickering JUST HAPPENS TO DUMP 73,000 LITERS OF RADIOACTIVE WATER INTO LAKE ONTARIO...FUCK. I'm sorry I just can't believe/handle this...I live literally about 100ft from the lake. I don't drink the fluoride poison tap water but I will certainly enjoy my irradiating showers from now on. Check it out.

  9. why would anyone care if you bought or did not buy 2 thousand dollars worth of tinka, its not a big bet, this is bizarre.
