Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ron Paul for God! Opppps, I mean President!


  1. SVM Fraud? Again?


  2. Ron Paul is a Prophet!? That's a little scary.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Ron Paul is a Prophet!? That's a little scary. "

    He was able to accurately predict the housing bubble among many other things. Prophet may sound a bit poetic but look at the context where it was used.

  5. svm is getting raided right now check Sept 6 put volume haha

  6. Ron Paul hasn't got a chance.

    Americans only ever vote for idiots that look the part. The great US voting public is sitting in front of the TV with a six-pack munching ten burgers, farting and wondering how he can get to the fridge without walking. I could be wrong about this but it's the same in the UK but we can't afford the beer or burgers.

    Ron Paul looks and sounds funny and is honest.

    He doesn't stand a chance

  7. He's the only one who has been preaching about the dollar collapse/corrupt foreign policy/intrusive government. Ron Paul is a great vehicle for truth.

    However, it is interesting to note that the Mainstream candidates have come over to his viewpoints, signaling that TPTB are ready to roll out their new ponzi scheme (imo), as when the bankster stooges are saying social security is a ponzi scheme, and audit the fed and that bernanke is failing.... you can be sure that this is not responsible information, but planned in some way. Be wary what others are saying, as it will give clues into how close the keyenesian experiment is to dropping dead. But realistically, it's not far away.... most likely Obama is the last US president before the economy/FRN goes down.

    Awareness is growing, slowly but surely. They are trying to harnass the awareness and direct it towards furthering a different agenda.

  8. There were cases in history when fringe candidates have won having to fight uphill battles against a hostile mainstream media propaganda.

    Stereotyping is dangerous. Not all Americans are drooling zombies. Even zombies can vote the right way btw.
    Ron Paul does a great job to energize left wing liberals also. Just look at John Stuart for eg. He`s a very likeable guy that can score big points with everyone. Only obstacle is being marginalized by CNN,CNBC, Fox etc. If he can break through somehow and reach people, he has a real chance of winning. Most people fall in love with the guy after hearing him speak, this is why establishment networks are scared to give him sufficient coverage. They`re well aware of it, that other candidates look like retarded clueless schoolboys by comparison.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Homeland Security Training Video -


    Fuck the Government!!!

  11. "However, it is interesting to note that the Mainstream candidates have come over to his viewpoints, signaling that TPTB are ready to roll out their new ponzi scheme (imo), as when the bankster stooges are saying social security is a ponzi scheme, and audit the fed and that bernanke is failing.... "

    I think mainstream candidates like Perry, which Ron Paul called the choice of globalists, are trying to copycat his message because it works with the electorate. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Once they get into office, they`ll change their tune 180degrees using BS excuses, invoke delays or other distraction tactics.

  12. Another great Ron Paul T.V. Ad


  13. @highrise408,

    I was hanging a bud's house watching games on Sunday, and this dickhead friend of his comes in, he's one of those self righteous, ex-navy, overweight, bully nightclub bouncers. I asked him hey havent seen you in a while, where have you been. He said DC for 2 months, I ask why, he said, ROTFLMAO, Homeland Security Training, fuck!

    And boom goes the dynamite!

  14. SVM main asset (mine) is in China - think like Cdn traded commodity (fraud) co's with assets in China - SinoForest (Trees vs. Silver - I know no relation, but could be fraud non the less)?

    Ernst & Young LLP, the same firm that audited Sino-Forest’s financial statements is SVM's auditor best I can tell.

    be careful with this one imo.

  15. @King OTCT,

    Didnt they just hire an independent auditor? This new report has no author or credentials.

  16. right malcolm. so... if we bought in at 8.11 and 7.23 (didn't sell at $9 cuz i'm greedy, which is why i lose $$ all the time and why stocking phyzz is the best i know, but this is what i had in my retirement, blah blah)... should we keep buying at 6.63? 22 Million shares traded so far in a couple hours!!

  17. 80% phyzz, 10% stock, and 8% options, 2% cash

  18. just donated $25 to revolution pac

  19. @Green Trivial...

    Zombies are real: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWqD_VOympU


    My latest article on non-interventionist foreign policy: http://www.adamworksforus.com/2011/09/case-for-noninterventionis-foreign.html

  20. @ Bocksmj

    I bought a bunch at 7.32, and sold it as we got towards 9 bucks. There was a massive short position in this company, and I think a lot of them covered this morning. CEO is buying shares and fully cooperating with the investigation. I think this is just another attempt to short and distort. The instigator of this whole scenario was the company starting to attack the shorts by buying back its common shares on the open market. I went in for a quick trade around 9 bucks, but my computer crashed and I missed my window. I'm stuck here now. Give this a few weeks.

  21. Here's an even better video detailing the Zombies are real!


  22. Now Ron Paul would be a God I could believe in.

  23. People who say Ron Paul doesn't have a chance are watching to much mainstream tv and don't have a real clue. He is killing the polls and mainstream has to hide it by making the poll charts look like he is barely winning. He isn't a prophet or a God but he is a REAL candidate who understands the FED must go or nothing will ever change. He believes in the constitution which 95% of congress doesn't even know the meaning of the constitution, they have thrown it away. It get's in their way or should I say the elites way. They realize what we had works but it doesn't work for a world gov't.

  24. Who will finance him, surely the banks won't. Big business tied to the Military Industrial Complex won't. Grass roots fine but he can't afford to compete!

  25. Buckanear2. He's raised MORE money than Obama did in 08 and NOvember hasn't even arrived yet....don't think that relying on Military and banks is the only way to raise money.
    Wofowitz concocted a Perry-Romney strip show by giving them +/-35% combined air time while Dr.Paul was issued +/-9%. The fix IS in, and the MSM is scrambling. Hell, EVEN The Daily Show is backing Ron Paul! Crack are forming. All these other candidate tumours are just "adopting" ideas Ron Paul has been preaching for years only to attempt to boost their platform....rest assured, like Obama and Bush the hand that feeds them will dictate their decisions.
    Eradicate the FED, dissolve the IRS and bring the troops home! That's a dream come true.
